Welcome to our Memorials pages, where all our beloved furbabies can be remembered with love.
These beautiful souls are all dogs which have lived as Sanctuary Dogs with K9 Crusaders. Many have been neglected, abused or mismanaged to an extent where they needed the security and stability that the kennels provide. They are all our K9 Family and have a very special place in our hearts.

Date: September 28, 2022
No words or pictures can capture the essence of this dog. But I have to try.
In his early years Beowolf (Bear, Beary) fell victim to the dog fighters, and was much prized by them. Seemingly successful rescue efforts proved fruitless as he continually ended up back in the hands of the fighting rings. In the end we received a call asking if we would take him in, and keep him safe, which we have done ever since his arrival here.
He was his own man, was Bear. Huge in stature, with massive presence, and an even bigger personality. When he was happy, you knew it. When he wasn’t, you knew it. But he could spin!
He loved playing to an audience, and had pretty much all of us wrapped around his smallest claw. When he was in the mood he chatted away, not barking, but he had a vocabulary of howl sounds, including a full, deep ‘wolf howl’.
For all his friendly, sociable demeanour, make no mistake, Bear chose the what, the when, the who. He directed proceedings.
He hated being groomed, and would tolerate a little at a time before clapping a great paw on your arm and fixing you with an intense stare. He wasn’t a fan of anything invasive or intrusive, and even as an older dog, cooperating didn’t come naturally to him!
He wasn’t a cuddler, and would neatly sidestep attempts to get up close and personal. If he was permitting cuddles, you knew something wasn’t right, and he was poorly.
At times he would step back from you, and regard you with an intense, calculating stare, wondering how far he could push you, and get one over on you. In his younger days this would be a precursor to him running rings round you, laughing all over his face.
We knew he was recovering from his splenectomy when the vet nurses called to say he was starting to direct proceedings at the vets!
Bear hated being confined, and chose to live and sleep out whatever the season, whatever the weather. He was happy and content out in the open, and was bemused at our repeated attempts to provide a cosy, indoor bedding area for him. He acknowledged our efforts by kicking the bedding around, then leaving it to gather dust. We learned.
After his splenectomy he hated convalescing in our lovely cosy, purpose built isolation kennel, and couldn’t wait to get back outdoors.
As you would expect, he loved the colder weather, and came alive in the snow. He hated the heat of summer, but enjoyed being spray hosed on his back to keep him cool.
He loved water, splashing in it, playing in it, swimming in it. He was a natural swimmer who really loved our pool, when we had it, and would have floated around in it all day if he could!
I used to sit out with him sometimes in his enclosure, watching the day fade into dusk. The length of my audience with him varied. He let you know, quietly, but unmistakably, that you were out staying your welcome and it really was time for you to go.
He loved car rides, and would beam broadly, giving him an almost comical look.
His enjoyment of car travel seemed odd, given that he was almost semi feral in other respects.
He wasn’t much of a fan of regular dog food. In his younger days his tastes veered towards the grisly. Fish heads were a favourite, especially if buried and left to mature for a few days….
Beowolf’s presence was a privilege and an honour. He was the heart of our site, the very centre of it, he was the smile on everybody’s faces, the voice that directed the full moon howl, the clown, the bossy boots, the cheeky monkey, the imposing presence, the most stunning boy and a beautiful, wild soul.
I’ve dreaded this day, but I knew it was coming.
We kept you safe, Bear, but we couldn’t keep you safe from a mass on the spleen, hip dysplasia and arthritis, old age and a failing heart, and finally bloat.
You fought so hard to stay with us, and we fought so hard to keep you with us, but you had too much stacked against you, my lad.
I’m so sorry. I’m not sure how we will get through the coming days. You were the solid bass of the site bark, rising over the top of the combined doggy voices with little effort. You were my alarm call most mornings.
Run wild and free over the snow, Beary, and keep an eye on the horizon for when we come by. May there be pools for you to swim in and dig to your hearts content.
You were one of a kind, and you have taken our hearts with you, and those of all your many fans.
Loved always and forever. Shine bright, Beowolf, shine bright, as I know you will my beautiful boy.